Editorial Policy

My blog is a platform that I have developed to express my views on things that help me think beyond. I remember one day, my strategy teacher asked the class “Speak one minute on “good enough is not enough””. The other day he asked us to jot down “why mergers fail”. The thing common to both these situations is that no one was able to utter or write beyond certain words. This is because no one was able to think out of the box, on a topic that was out of their comfort zones. This blog thus has given me a space and a vent to jot down and express my innate views on these topics and many more.
Some of the other such themes that I have written about are:
“Have a strategy for life”,
“What it takes to be a leader??”
“Strategic thinking??”
“Effective Brainstorming”

As we are soon about to leave the comforted college life, and step into professional life, it becomes very important for us to think and act like professionals and leaders. We would soon be stepping into managerial, consulting, strategic, financial or marketing roles and would be expected to be able to deal with new challenges every day. Hence, what needs to be the focus is the practical aspect of business. Putting this into perspective I have included the below blogs:

From college goers to professionals...
“Steve Jobs address at Stanford”

This blog is my individual effort to generate discussion about some of the concepts and frameworks either learned in class or which I grasped otherwise. I have shared these on my blog as these concepts have been a great learning for me.


The Star Model - Jay R. Galbraith
Enneagrams ....
Solving the talent problem - A decision approach
Porter's Diamond Model of Competitive Advantage


I have also used my blog to share some of the latest trends in the world.  These are:

“Translating innovation into US growth”

“Green your Business”

“Visual Roadmaps”


My blog also features on some of the books I have read and are masterpieces in their genre of books.


“Employees first, Customers Second - Book Review”

“Outliers -the story of success by Malcolm Gladwell”


My blog would also appeal to people interested in upcoming trends in marketing.

Some of the blogs written in this domain are:

Viral Marketing demystified

Something more than a mere LOGO

Brand Rejuvenation


On an overall basis, my blog would appeal to all those interested in sharing of knowledge and latest trends, those who are avid readers, those who like discussing personal views, academicians, students, teachers, old and young alike. It also ranges outward to touch on related topics in education and student affairs.

The language chosen is simple, easily understandable and comprehendible. The use of any local language has not been done and only English which appeals to all has been used. Use of meaningful pictures, quotes, videos has been done to emphasize and add on to the concept being discussed. Examples have also been included in desired posts to be able to relate to the concept in all its practicality. Care will be taken to acknowledge the source of every post and all the copyrights will be duly recognized.

I have chosen the name: “The Strategy of life” for my blog, because I believe that these two terms are inseparable in the sense that not only every company should have its own strategy but every individual should have his/her own strategy of his life. So, every life must be accompanied by an equally meaningful strategy to live that life. And each and every post in this blog has helped me in defining and refining this strategy of my life.